What is Title Insurance?
Owner’s title insurance protects you should the ownership of your property come into question. It is different from other types of home insurance because it helps eliminate past risks—defects in a property’s title—rather than protecting you from the probability of future risks. Your mortgage company will likely require you to purchase title insurance as a security for their investment, similar to requiring fire insurance and other types of protection.
How does it work?
You pay a one-time fee at your closing to defend your possession of your property. If anyone ever challenges your ownership or questions the marketability of your title, title insurance may cover any legal costs relating to your defense. Should the property challenge prove legitimate, title insurance will cover your losses. Your policy protects you for as long as you own the property.
Protecting Yourself from Hidden Title Hazards
As part of your title search and examination, our team will conduct a thorough search of public records to reveal any claims or liens on the property that could affect your purchase and sales agreement. We will advise you on how to correct any disclosed problems whenever possible. However, even the most thorough, detailed search cannot identify hidden title hazards, including:
Public record mistakes
Forged deed signatures, which prevent a transfer of ownership
Unknown heirs or previous owners staking a claim on the property
Real estate transactions executed under a fabricated or expired power of attorney
How much does title insurance cost?
The cost of your owner’s title insurance policy is based on the purchase price of your home. Use our handy calculator to determine yours.
Title Insurance: Defending Your Home and Property Ownership

20 Reasons why you need Owner’s Title Insurance
Fraud in the execution of documents
Undue influence on a grantor of a deed
False Impersonation by someone purporting to be the owner of the property
Errors in surveys
Undisclosed or missing heirs
Wills not properly probated
Misinterpretation of wills and trusts
Mental incompetence of a grantor of a deed
Transfer of title by a minor
Heirs born after the execution of a will
Incorrect legal descriptions
Non-delivery of deeds
Unsatisfied claims not shown on the record
Deeds executed under expired or false powers of attorney
Confusion due to similar or identical names
Dower or curtesy rights of spouses of former owners
Incorrect indexing of the land records
Clerical errors in recording legal documents
Delivery of deeds after the death of the Grantor